2005 Toyota Corolla

  • 2005 Toyota Corolla

    Toyota Corolla
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • Change Oil & Filter: Check all fluid levels add as needed. Inspect vehicle's lights, air filter(s), and belts. Check tire PSI.
    • Use a safe and effective cleanerto desolve and suspend the varnish and gums in the transmission,valve body,toque converter,pan,filter element,transmission lines,and cooler.Flush entire unit of all old fluid and install new high-tech fluid.Road test your vehicle.
    • Flush your vehicles entire cooling system. Remove rust, scale and sludge. Restore coolant and necessary additives.
    Ron J. gave our service a 5 star review on 3/22/2024


Andale Auto Service Inc.
307 North Main Street
Andale, KS67001
(316) 444-2131

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